Preparing your camera-ready submission
Camera-ready versions of all submissions must be submitted both to PCS (which you used for your initial submission) and The ACM Production System (TAPS).
- Submission to PCS should happen by August 15th, via the “Edit final version” option on your existing submission at
- Submission to TAPS should happen by August 30th. Corresponding authors on accepted papers have been contacted by TAPS staff by email. If you have submitted your eRight forms, but not received a TAPS invitation within the next few days, you should contact us.
Please note that papers are conditionally accepted, and must be cleared by the corresponding AC before submitted to TAPS.
For preparing your camera-ready submission in TAPS, use one of the ACM final submission templates (see ACM TAPS workflow for details). Please follow the formatting instructions in the template. Note also that all submissions must adhere to ACM’s guidelines on accessible PDFs: Note also that visual and audio materials must also be made accessible. For instance, videos must have captions describing both the audio and the visuals.
TAPS staff may also ask you to make additional changes, so follow their instructions. Once your paper has been successfully processed, you will have the opportunity to review and resubmit it to fix any issues introduced by the reformatting (e.g., to adjust figure sizing and placement). You can also add supplementary material (e.g., video, data sets, code etc.) to your TAPS submission.
- Guidance on how to create descriptions for different media:
- Video example of how to describe visuals in a video:
- The ACM Technical Requirements and Guidelines for Videos:
- see in particular the information on accessibility and closed-captions, under “Key Requirements”, “Closed Captions”, and “What accessibility considerations should I pay attention to when recording my video?”
Kind regards,
Eike Schneiders
NordiCHI’24 EPubs Chair


Conference Secretariat
For practical questions please contact Academic Conferences.
Phone: +46 18 671003

Important dates
April 19, 2024
Submission deadline for Full paper abstract and Workshop and Tutorial proposals submission
April 26, 2024
Submission deadline for Full papers, Case studies, Critiques, Panel
May 17, 2024
Author notification for Workshops and Tutorials
June 1, 2024
Deadline for Demos, Doctoral Consortium and Late-Breaking Work submissions
July 1, 2024
Author notification for Full papers, Case studies, Critiques, Demos, Doctoral Consortium, Panels and Late-breaking work
August 15, 2024
Camera-ready deadline for all accepted work
September 6, 2024
Extended deadline for early bird registration