
The Demos track at NordiCHI 2024 should not be understood as demonstrations of technology, but as demonstrations of living with technology.

(Digital) technology is lauded for its utility but also criticized for its negative impact on e.g. the environment, individuals’ privacy, and economy. In our daily lives, (digital) technology has become the fabric of our existence, the canvas of our everyday routines. As such, it impacts us in more ways than just specific values. What we wish to bring more attention to is that technology shapes human existence to the extent that technology development can be seen as a process of designing the future human.

We should not ask only on our own behalf how we can live well with new technology but also how future generations can live well with possible extrapolations of current technology. This type of future speculation is difficult to address in traditional academic formats but it can inspire artistic expressions that in turn can spark new ideas.

We invite submissions of e.g. artwork, games, and live performances that explore and challenge ways of living with technology, with topics including but not limited to:

  • Humanization or dehumanization of technology in our contemporary world
  • Manifestations of electronic media – analogue as well as digital – in the physical world, and it’s possible political implications
  • Critical or discursive designs that engage with how human physical interactions may get represented in digital realms
  • Artworks engage with the “post-truth” era
  • Live Wizard-of-Oz performances that present believable or unbelievable interactions
  • Body as experience, instrument and interface
  • Artistic explorations of shape-, weight-, colour- and size changing artefacts
  • Novel interactions realised through traditional crafts or unconventional materials, professional artistry, craft or musicianship
  • Ephemeral interfaces
  • Haptic and multi-modal experiences
  • Mixed reality (virtual or augmented) from a tangible and embodied interaction perspective

Aesthetic experience through tangible or full body interactions


Submission Instructions and Schedule

Submissions to the Demo track should not be anonymized.  All materials must be submitted electronically to PCS by the deadline. See submission guidelines here for details.

 The demo submission should include:

  • an extended abstract (2 pages max excluding references) in the ACM standard single-column format. It should be self-contained and clearly describe the novelty and distinguishing ideas of your project (for publication).
  • a still image representing your work of at least 1500 x 1200 px (for publication).
  • a supplementary file with a setup description, e.g., a textual description and/or a (mock-up) photo of the demonstration showing the envisioned setup (demo hardware components, tables, chairs, lights, and other equipment). Label and annotate the image(s) so organizers get a good understanding of your setup. Make clear the requirements.
  • an accompanying video no longer than three minutes (optional but highly recommended for dissemination purposes).

Submission Schedule

  • Submission of Demos:  June 1st 2024
  • Notification of acceptance:  July 1st 2024
  • Camera-ready deadline for accepted work: August 15th 2024

Selection process

The selection process for Demos is curated, that is, selected by an esteemed committee, but not sent out to external reviewers. The curated demo content will be selected from demonstration submissions, accepted papers, as well as projects invited by the demo chairs. Authors will not receive formal feedback on their submission, other than the selection decision.

Presentation Format

Upon acceptance, you will be invited to present your demo at the conference. Onsite, we can generally provide Internet access and electricity. Demo requirements must be specified as part of the submission. It is also possible to include demos in the NordiCHI’24 online program. Presenters must register for the NordiCHI 2024 conference.


Mikael Laaksoharju



Conference Secretariat

For practical questions please contact Academic Conferences.

Phone: +46 18 671003



Umeå University
Uppsala University

Important dates

April 19, 2024
Submission deadline for Full paper abstract and Workshop and Tutorial proposals submission

April 26, 2024
Submission deadline for Full papers, Case studies, Critiques, Panel

May 17, 2024
Author notification for Workshops and Tutorials

June 1, 2024
Deadline for Demos, Doctoral Consortium and Late-Breaking Work submissions

July 1, 2024
Author notification for Full papers, Case studies, Critiques, Demos, Doctoral Consortium, Panels and Late-breaking work

August 15, 2024
Camera-ready deadline for all accepted work

September 6, 2024
Extended deadline for early bird registration